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What Parents Say About Fairchild




We have enrolled our son, Dickson, in the 2-month playgroups at Fairchild Kindergarten, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the nurturing environment provided.

The nurturing environment is truly commendable. I appreciate the emphasis on sensory play, which has allowed my son to explore and learn in a fun and enriching way. We are very happy to witness Dickson’s growing confidence with paints, his longer attention spans during singing and storytime, and the remarkable expansion of his vocabulary.

As parents, we are immensely grateful for the care and education Dickson receives at Fairchild. We look forward to witnessing his ongoing growth and personality unfold in the future!

We are grateful to all educators at Fairchild, and we have never regretted our decision with Fairchild as the preschool for Ethan! Ethan took weeks (maybe months!) to settle in when we started him at slightly over 2 years old. However, with his teachers' patience, Ethan soon found that he is in a safe place with lots of FUN, and he always looked forward to going to school ever since he settled in! We also believed that the school way of teaching has rubbed off him as his awareness of his surroundings has gone beyond what we'd have imagined for a soon-turning 4 year old! We are extremely glad and thankful of the close communications provided by his teachers, their patience, creativity, and never wavering love for all of the children. Kudos to both his English and Chinese teachers, Ethan has grown confidence in both languages and has grown so much and well under the care of the school! We'd miss Fairchild dearly as we move on, and wish the school and all his teachers the very best in many more years to come!

Today our child started her first PN class where she began her first journey here at Fairchild since playgroup. We could have considered other locations too for PN classes but after seeing my daughter being very happy and enjoying her time in Fairchild all the way through playgroup, without any hesitation we have decided to send her to PN class. I have always joined the playgroup with my daughter, each time I have felt the atmostphere between my daughter and teachers were very energetic. Most importantly, I could have felt that teachers at Fairchild treat each individual children with love from the heart. I would assume the program of PN schools in Hong Kong might be similar but the way teachers from Fairchild cares children with love are far bigger than that of the other playgroups. In upcoming years, I expect my daughter to be filled with love and joy at Fairchild. We deeply thank the teachers and send our love to Fairchild.

We want to take this opportunity to “THANK” Fairchild for accepting Darren for who he is and allowing him to learn in his own pathway. We are beyond grateful for your guidance and support. Fairchild had such an amazing impact on Darren’s education and have helped him to find a love for learning!

With the help of all the amazing teachers and staff, they bring positive influence in Darren's life! The smile on his face after attending Fairchild is priceless, he is always so excited to head off to school and learn new things!

We truly believe that Fairchild provided an environment which can let children explore their full potential and excel in all the areas!

Thanks again for bringing a fruitful year to our family!

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